Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Figure Showcase: Figma Terraformer (starts with Mami)

For today's figure showcase we'll look at the last figma I actually bought, the evolved roach The Terraformer.
Terraformer is very different than any other figma I've acquired. First of all he's male (to the best of my knowledge). Second, he has articulated eyes (a feature only Revoltech Woody had before) and lastly he's huge towering over little figmas like Mami.
 Also if it didn't go without saying Terraformer is one of the creepiest figmas (other than Flyboy Zombie) that Max Factory has ever released. Coupled with the fact that his series is mostly an animated snuff film crossed with an episode of Animal Planet's The Most Extreme it feels very proper to pose him attacking your puny human figures.
I just got an idea for a new Figure Series. As of right now its tentative name is Terraformer kills everyone.
Probably enough for today (Mami can only take so much abuse). However, since you can never get rid of all the roaches, Terraformer will return to destroy more humans in the future. 
Thanks for dropping by.

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