Friday, December 25, 2015

Figma She Archetype Flesh Color Review

Woah I'm not dead and my classes are finally over! I got this new figma (the first one in months) for the holidays. It's the archetype for female figmas or as I see it, a nude figma body. Let's give it a review!. Hopefully, I can is tell you why this figure is a great addition for your collection and post some NSFW pictures along the way!

(Disclaimer: My photobox and most of my figures were left on campus so I used my desk and the few figures I had at home)

Here's the figure in its original packaging. 

Hahahaha, that's funny she just comes with the spare hands and her stand/bag. The figure itself is an accessory in my opinion at least. So I guess it gets a 10 of 10 for doing its job? 
Let's skip this category I guess.

Accessories: N/A


Wow let's skip this category too. My old rubric for grading figures may be totally useless against this new figma. 

Faces: N/A

Here's a size comparison to Figma Nadeko Sengoku

Egas can't handle this

Oh boy here we go. I was pretty surprised by how good the bodyswap looked. 

Taken with the bathroom display parts I got a while back. Sengoku trying to cover herself up.

The leg joints are kind of weird, but they don't hinder posing too much. Her torso is just really weird, you can get a better look below. Sengoku trying to do nude push-ups btw.

You probably know where this is going already...

Get a suddenly nude figma with a clothed one and this sort of posing just happens.


In-The-Buff Guitarist Mio

Trolling Azunyan (notice that the flesh body is little bit small)

Ein about to take down Egas

Obviously an admitted ecchi person like me can be entertained for hours by shit like this. So I'm giving Flesh a perfect score. Admitted bias withstanding.  

Playability: 10 of 10

Collection Utility: 
So I got this because I have a lot of female figures that I would be happy to pose naked. I'm not going to say this is proper, but I know it gives this figure all the utility it could possibly need. 

CU: 10 of 10

Staying Power:
I've had this figure for a few hours and I really love it. It sort of makes every figma that can use it a lot more versatile. It's hard to judge Staying Power for that reason so I'll skip it and next year decide whether or not this was a good purchase. On that front however I'm pretty confident. 

SP: Postponed

This figure is great if you have other figmas to pose with it. You don't have to be a perv either. This figma is a great base for building your own figures or for model-drawing. I'm very glad it got re-released and I totally recommend it. 

Happy Holidays and thanks for dropping by! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Revoltech MelonaxAiri Omake Series

It's that time again. I said every 3 weeks I'd post something and darn it I can maintain a schedule that loose! So first and foremost this is a very NSFW post coming your way. I highly recommend closing this page if:

  • You're at work
  • You're made uncomfortable by naked toys (though I'm not sure why you clicked on this then)
  • You hate the Airi+Melona ship or that ship having a random guy wander in 

Anyway, the following is corny, pervy and absurd, but I had some fun taking the pictures and that's all that matters. Enjoy!

Airi: "I'm still not sure why we're doing this" >:(
Melona: "Just chill this is going to be awesome" :D

Melona: "You're pretty cute ya know?"
Airi: "You're not bad yourself"

Melona: "Feel like going all the way?" ;)
Airi: *giggles 

Airi: "Hey that tickles!" xD
Melona: Hehehe"

Melona: "And that's a wrap"

Airi: "Are you so sure?" >:)
Melona: "Eh Airi what are you-"

Airi: "I going to toy with you for a change"
Melona: "Wai- ahhh!"

Melona: "How long is this post anyway?" 
Airi: "Almost finished, now get back here"

Airi: "Oh the Master is coming!"
Melona: "Errr"

Until next time!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Figure Scene: Figma Egashira vs Figma Mami

Every 3 weeks I make a blog post. That's the closest thing I have to a schedule now. The following is semi-coherent NSFW chain of pictures showing our ever-hero Egashira giving Mami Tomoe a good time...





A proper use of time indeed. Thanks for dropping by.

The lesbian extra pic

Friday, September 25, 2015

Suddenly the sporadic post

I'm still alive...

I think...

The following are a random series of NSFW pictures I took recently. Please view responsibly...

Stay tuned for another couple pictures if I ever get ahead of my course work...